The preliminary name for this game is "Mongolian Death Worm Chess", but I don't know if I will keep that name.
The rules are like those of Ordamirror, whose rules you can find here, except for the following changes.
There is a piece called the Yurt. In the starting position, there are Yurts on e1 and e8 instead of Khans. The Yurt may move to a diagonally adjacent square or to a square orthogonally in front of it and adjacent to it, and it may Capture in that way. This is like the silver general in shogi, and it is exactly like the Yurt in Orda Chess. Pawns may promote to Yurt instead of the other Horde Pieces.
The royal piece is not the Khan, which does not exist; instead, it is a piece called the Snake. The Snake is a piece that has multiple different Parts; each Part sits on 1 Square. 1 of the Parts is the Head, and 1 is the Tail; the remainder are Common Parts. Each Common Part of a Snake is Directly Connected to 2 orthogonally adjacent Parts, forming a chain of Parts with the Head at 1 end and the Tail at the other. The Snake's ability is described later.
Each play consists of moving a non-Snake piece and then moving the Snake. The non-Snake piece must be moved before the Snake. If it is impossible to move a non-Snake piece, for example because none exist belonging to the Player to move, that portion of the play is simply waived; this does not result a loss through stalemate. The player may not voluntariy skip either portion of the play. If the Snake cannot be moved, this results in a loss by Stalemate.
A Snake may only be Captured by a piece moving into the square containing its Head; this should never actually happen during a game, but the game is centered on the threat of this happening. The remaining Parts of a Snake may not be Captured. Parts of a Snake always block pieces from moving or Capturing straight through them, exactly like how a normal piece would. However, they don't block an ability, such as the Falcon's Capturing ability or the Lancer's non-Capturing movement ability, that goes through or over Pieces.
A Snake is completely invulnerable to being Captured during the opponent's play just after it Captures another piece. This invulnerability makes it immune to Capture by the enemy Snake as well.
The first step in moving a Snake is moving its Head to an orthogonally adjacent square, which may be empty, occupied by an enemy piece, or occupied by the Snake's own Tail. In the case that the square the Head moves to is empty or occupied by the Snake's own Tail, this may not result in a situation in which the Snake may be Captured. A Snake's own Tail is not Captured if by its Head moving into that square; the Tail will end up moving in the same play as described later.
In the case that the square the Head moves to is occupied by an enemy piece, the Snake Captures that piece by displacement. As such, it must be a piece that can be Captured during that play. If the Captured piece is the enemy Snake, that square must have contained the enemy Snake's Head.
The second step in moving a Snake is moving the rest of the Parts of the Snake. Each Part moves 1 time. The Common Part Directly Connected to the Head moves first. Then, the Part Directly Connected to that Part moves, and so on. Each Part moves to the space left open by the movement of the previous Part. Therefore, Directly Connected Parts remain orthogonally adjacent to each other.
The third step in moving a Snake is extending it. This step is only taken if the Snake Captured an enemy piece in the first step. In the extending step, the Tail of the Snake becomes a Common Part of the Snake, which is mutually Directly Connected to the new Tail of the Snake. The new Tail appears on the square that the old Tail was on before the first step.
There is no Campmate.
There is no Threefold Repetition rule, and there is no Fivefold Repetition rule.
In the starting position, the white and black Snakes have their Heads on f2 and f7, respectively; 1 Common Part each on g2 and g7; and their Tails on h2 and h7. Each Snake's Common Part is Directly Connected to its Head and Directly Connected to its Tail.
Stalemate is a loss for the player who cannot move on their turn.
The Snake moves in essensce like the snake from the game snake. Like in the game snake, it must move whenever it can, and if it cannot move, the game is over! The Snake may be a relatively weak royal piece, but its ability to Capture protected pieces is an asset royal pieces usually don't have. This game is not finalized yet, so rules may change over time.
images created using on the Musketeer Chess website BoardPainter tool
the starting positionexample of position after move 1example of position before a Captureexample of position after that Capture